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Collecting Parrot Postcards

Grey Army ParrotHave you had a look at the parrot postcards on our website. It is possible to form a large collection of postcards around the theme of parrots and parakeets, which were very popular subjects, especially on the early comic or saucy postcards.

The one pictured here, ‘Grey Parrot for Sale’, was drawn by the artist, Donald McGill.

If you’ve got any parrot postcards, we’d love to add it to our collection, so please either This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or send the postcard itself to Parrots Magazine, The Old Cart House, Applesham Farm, Coombes, West Sussex, BN15 0RP, UK, plus a brief description.

Can happen in a flash!

If the long-term weather forecasters are to be believed the UK is in for a heat-wave lasting for 4-6 weeks over the next 3-month period. This means without doubt large numbers of companion parrots will be lost through open windows and doors or just being taken outside on a shoulder. Please make sure your parrot doesn't become a victim through carelessness on your part and please never take your parrot outside without using a harness or a cage.
EB Cravens in this month's April issue explains in his column how helpless you feel when a treasured bird takes off and disappears and Kirsten Badham has also written an excellent article on the same subject, "What to do if your parrot escapes," and the tricks to getting it back. We also have a 6-page feature on two expats running a bird rescue in Belize which is truly inspirational!
There is of course loads more in this issue including a personality profile of the Blue & Gold Macaw by top behaviourist Sally Blanchard, advice from veterinarian Alan K. Jones on preventing PDD hitting your companion birds and Les Embrey discusses the 9 most important words to teach your parrot. Enjoy this issue!

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Elm Grove Lane, Steyning BN44 3SA

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