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Dear Parrots magazine,

Dear Buster

I would like to thank Pam Fryer for sharing with us the final chapter of this very tragic story, but also so enlightening. In fact it’s extremely important we are reminded to take every possible measure to protect our feathered family against theft, because it would be not only our heartbreaking loss, but also a serious chance that our parrots end in the hands of people who see them as ‘things’, not as living creatures even more sensitive than we humans are.


Unfortunately, I have to admit with shame that this awful attitude is more frequent in our Mediterranean countries where many people love animals but many others treat them with downright cruelty, born not just from deep ignorance.

That said, I think that some things are beyond our control and it was completely impossible for Pam to prevent what happened. I know what absolute joy it is for Amazons to breed and raise their offspring and all her decisions for Buster and Molly were made from the purest love for them, so it’s the saddest thing to read that she feels guilt-ridden.

From her article, it can be figured much more of what she plainly tells, she’s been clearly untiring in her efforts to look for them and following all threads until she tracked them and could get them back home. I especially admire how she was loyal to their love until the very end, making everything possible for their happiness and taking responsibility even for the hardest final steps.

Pam, I would like to say that I feel very close to you, and I’m sure that Buster thanks you for everything you did for him, and the fact that he received the extreme relief at the loving hands of the one who adored him the most, is not ironical nor sad, it’s for sure something that comforted him. A big hug and thank you, in the end all the love that people like you share with our magical companions will make this world a better place.

Gioia Cristalli, Italy




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